Awakening travel senses with godawful perfumes.

Eau de Holiday

Bottling travel memories through pretentious scents.

Smells evoke emotions and have you re-living memories with just a whiff. So at a time when Koreans couldn't travel beyond their borders—what with a sneaky little virus bringing the world to a grinding halt and all—it felt timely to get to people's heads through their noses.

To awaken people's travel senses, out came four home perfumes that captured unimaginable smells in favourite destinations, in four bottles. Think Aesop but for travel.

Liquid poetry in motion.

The perfume collection came in four enigmatic scents: the mythical fragrance of Gyeongju’s ancient lands; vintage bookstores snuggled by the alleys of hidden Seoul; the seductive whiff of sweet potatoes roasting over Gangwon campfires; and the liquid poetry of fresh sea salt clam soup from the island of the Gods. Instinctive and irresistible. We sent these to the media and lifestyle influencers and like its powerful scent, it was all over social media and the press. Soon people were calling wanting to get their hands and noses on it. We filmed the video in Korea, whilst coordinating it from Singapore. Not the stuff of dreams if you ask me, but we made it happen.

The smell travelled far and wide.

30 Korean press coverage
57 million impressions
1 happy client